Times are changing ...

In Copenhagen is common to see the ladies going to the workplace by bicycle. This would not be surprising if it weren’t for the ladies ride a bike wearing high heels, dresses, raincoats, everything we don’t imagine that it’s possible to dress using a bicycle as a way to transportation.

 Times are changing

There isn’t, probably, something possible to do in all capitals (and other cities) in Europe, due to their own geography, but it is still an example to follow and a reason to reflect that sometimes setbacks and excuses not to change, are what prevents us from taking a step forward, that is, in Copenhagen there are excellent conditions for the inhabitants to move by bike because the ground is completely flat, however, the ladies could use the excuse that the fact they have to work in formal settings (and have to dress accordingly) prevents them from moving bicycle, which actually doesn’t happen.

 Times are changing

Times are changing and we must adapt, here's a good example!